
Maj. Daniel Bostic, commander of the St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office Special Investigations Division, recently spoke to the Kiwanis Club of St. Bernard, providing an overview of what his division’s role is in keeping St. Bernard Parish safe.

During his presentation, Maj. Bostic explained how the division focuses on drug enforcement, providing resources for our public school system, and community outreach.

He spoke on the hard work and dedication of the men and women under his command, which consists of the Narcotics Unit, K-9 unit, the Drug Abuse Resistance and Education Program (D.A.R.E.), and the School Resource division.

As part of the presentation, Maj. Bostic highlighted the K-9 Unit by providing a demonstration with SBSO’s certified narcotics detection dog “Pit” and his handler Agent Patrick Clark who showcased the dog’s ability to assist the department with drug detection.

He also informed Kiwanians how School Resource Officers assist the St. Bernard Parish Public School System with school safety while fostering positive relationships with students.

In addition to the three deputies assigned to Chalmette High School and two at C.F. Rowley Alternative School, he explained how the division also has a Truancy Officer focused on reducing absenteeism, and a Liaison Investigator who serves as a vital connection between the Sheriff’s Office and the School System.

Maj. Bostic also spoke about D.A.R.E. Program, which educates parish fifth graders on the dangers of drug use while encouraging them to make responsible choices.

“We are committed to not only tackling drug-related crime, but also working proactively to educate and protect our youth,” Maj. Bostic said. “Thanks to Sheriff Pohlmann’s support of these specialized units we can continue our mission of ensuring public safety and investing in our children’s future.”

Kiwanis Club members expressed their appreciation for the Sheriff’s Office efforts and engaged in a discussion on how the community can support law enforcement’s mission.
