SBSO TO PARTICIPATE HOME DEPOT KIDS SAFETY DAY The St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office will participate in the Chalmette Home Depot’s annual St. Bernard Kids Safety Day today (Oct. 7) from 9 a.m. to noon in the Home Depot parking lot, 8601 W. Judge Perez Drive in Chalmette, Sheriff James Pohlmann said. The event is open to St. Bernard Parish children of all ages who are accompanied by an adult. There will be games, food, refreshments, and a workshop where children are shown how to build various things. The Sheriff’s Office will have on display various pieces of special equipment, including its Mobile Command Post, armored S.W.A.T vehicle and a boat. The St. Bernard Fire Department’s Fire Safety House also will be there to show kids how to stop, drop and roll on the floor to escape smoke in a burning building.
