
St. Bernard Sheriff’s Office deputies train year-round for various types of armed intruder situations, Sheriff James Pohlmann said.

While everyone involved hopes these types of circumstances never have to be dealt with in St. Bernard, Sheriff Pohlmann said his department always trains for the possibilities.

“It’s a question of being prepared in advance for what could happen, while hoping it doesn’t happen,’’ the Sheriff said. “In today’s environment, it’s the preparation that’s the key.’’

Under the direction of Maj. Bobby Norton, commander of the Special Operations Division, Sheriff’s Office enforcement personnel are presented during training with various scenarios involving armed intruder situations and are taught how to handle the situations effectively and safely.

Deputies receive this training throughout the year at local schools, businesses and government buildings such as the parish courthouse and government complex, he said.

“It’s good to physically go through a building and do it with repetition, acting out different scenarios, so officers are sure in their reactions and also to better work as a group,” Maj. Norton said.

The Sheriff’s Office administers this training in collaboration with the St. Bernard Fire Department, Acadian Ambulance and New Orleans Emergency Medical Services.

“Our goal with this type of on-site training is to familiarize all of our local first responders with the layouts of these buildings and how we would work together in an emergency situation so we are as prepared as possible should something like this occur,” Maj. Norton said.

The training includes command and control scenarios, which test the communication skills between everyone involved.

St. Bernard Fire Chief Earl Borden agrees the collaborative training is crucial.

“It is absolutely essential that SBFD and SBSO continue a to foster a close relationship that involves constant cooperative training (including active shooter) and communication because when any emergency or disaster strikes we rely heavily on the capabilities of one another to confront the situation and protect and lives and property of the people of St. Bernard Parish,” Chief Borden said.

Maj. Norton said keeping SBSO’s team abreast of the latest trends in these types of occurrences is crucial.

“It is imperative to run through these drills often for the safety of the public, and also for our officers who will be sent into these dangerous situations,” he said. “Training in the environments that we will be called out to if the need should arise helps us to know the inner workings of that particular building or business, giving us an advantage over the intruder.”
