SBSO at CHS job fair tonight Considering a career move? Interested in working in law enforcement? Think you have what it takes to be a great cop? Stop by SBSO’s booth at Chalmette High School’s College and Career Night this evening from 6 to 8 p.m. in the main campus cafeteria, 1101 E. Judge Perez Drive in Chalmette. Our deputies will be happy to tell you what SBSO can offer you, and answer any questions you may have about why it’s a great place to work. From left, are: Capt. Michael Ingargiola, Sgt. Brian Canepa (Recruiter), Dep. Paradise Donaldson and Dep. Harrison Paluska. Can’t make it tonight? Apply today at www.sbso.org/careers/ or To be contacted by a recruiter: www.sbso.org/job-inquiry/
